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The Islamic month of Dhul Hijjah holds numerous important occasions which hold great merit and are observed by hundreds of millions around the globe. As we take part in the numerous acts of worship prescribed in this holy month, let us remember to serve Allah (swt) through serving his (swt) creations.  

In the blessed first ten days leading up to the holy occasion of Eid al Adha, Muslims around the globe prepare to sacrifice Qurbani, following the example of Prophet Ibrahim (as). Learn more about Qurbani and fulfil your sacrifice in this month by clicking here! 

The Zahra Trust works around the globe to provide support to vulnerable people throughout the year. In the holy month of Dhul Hijjah, wherein there are so many blessed occasions, our team works extra hard to make this a special time for those in need. With so many occasions and so much rewards to be gained, do not let the month of Dhul Hijjah pass you without serving those in need.

You can help support the vulnerable by contributing towards both immediate and long-term aid projects.

You can sponsor a one-month family food parcel to provide a stable food source for a family in need for up to one whole month.

Help make Eid special for children in need by sponsoring the delivery of an Eid gift. Eid gifts will be distributed across Eid al Adha, Eid Al Ghadir and Eid al Mubahila.

On Eid al Ghadir, when we celebrate the Wilaya of Amir al Mumineen (as), we also offer food in honour of the Imam Ali (as). You can also make the most of Eid al Ghadir by completing one of the recommended acts, feeding others on this holy day. For $220 you can support the delivery of up to 110 meals.

The opportunities are plenty! This Dhul Hijjah, you can serve Allah (swt) and serve humanity.


Shahadat Imam Muhammad al Baqir (as): 7 Dhul Hijjah / 14 June 2024

Arafah and Shahadat Muslim Ibn Aqeel: 9 Dhul Hijjah / 16 June 2024

Eid al Adha:  10 Dhul Hijjah / 17 June 2024

Wiladat Imam Ali al Naqi (as): 15 Dhul Hijjah / 22 June 2024 (other narrations include the 2nd of Rajab and the 5th of Rajab)

Eid al Ghadir: 18 Dhul Hijjah / 25 June 2024

Eid al Mubahila: 24 Dhul Hijjah / 1 July 2024

The Zahra Trust USA is project of the Zahra Foundation LTD. The Zahra Foundation LTD is as an exempt organization as described in Section 501(C)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code