Donation Added

  • Drink Water Think Hussain

  • Ya Zainab (Widow Support)

  • Ya Mahdi (Emergency Aid)

  • Ya Sakina (Orphan Aid)

  • Ya Ali Asghar (Food Aid)

  • Ya Abbas (Water Aid)

  • Ya Sajjad (Majlis & Ziyarah)

  • Afghanistan Aid – Sar Pol Flood Relief

  • School Meals

  • Sadaqa

  • Khums (Sehme Imam)

  • Khums (Sehme Sadaat)

  • Pakistan Aid

  • Where most needed

  • Community Attacks Aid

  • Fidyah

  • Kaffarah

  • Afghanistan Aid

  • Khums (Sehme Imam & Sehme Sadaat)

  • Sustainable Projects

  • Mowkeb 470

  • Education & Training

  • Rickshaw Project in Karbala

  • Education (Sadaqa Jariya)

  • Micro Financing Projects

  • Qurbani

  • Medical Procedures

  • Yemen Appeal

  • Dar al Zahra

The Zahra Trust USA is project of the Zahra Foundation LTD. The Zahra Foundation LTD is as an exempt organization as described in Section 501(C)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code