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Zahra Trust 2024 Arbaeen Guide

Each year, millions travel to commemorate Arbaeen, walking from Najaf to Karbala, Iraq.
This is a time to commemorate the tragedies that befell the Holy Household (as) as well as honour and demonstrate our commitment to uphold their legacies and teachings.

Last year, in Muharram and Safar, you:

  • Provided the equivalent of over 3,368 months worth (over 280 years) of clean water supply to families in need
  • Built 10 water wells serving over 10,000 people in remote communities with little to no access to clean water
  • Provided over 25,000 meals to orphans and vulnerable families
  • Provided food for over 2,555 vulnerable people at our local office
  • Delivered tens of thousands of pounds of emergency aid to Afghanistan and Yemen
  • Helped provide services to an estimated 100,000 Zuwaar at our Pole 470 Mowkeb

This Arbaeen, let’s come together to offer a helping hand to those in need across the world and serve the Zuwaar of Imam Hussain (as).

Get Involved

Whether you are travelling to Iraq for Ziyarat or remaining at home, we commemorate Arbaeen Together.

From volunteering at our Mowkeb at Pole 470, at one of our local events, making a donation for the Zuwaar or the vulnerable across the world in the name of a Marhum or the AhlulBayt (as), there are countless ways to get involved and feel the sense of community across continents.

If you would like to volunteer at our Mowkeb at Pole 470 in Iraq or prepare food at our office in Karbala, please click here

The Zahra Trust USA is project of the Zahra Foundation LTD. The Zahra Foundation LTD is as an exempt organization as described in Section 501(C)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code