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Who Are You?

Zunair Waseem is a twenty-year-old student at the University of North Texas where he is majoring in Business Computer Information Systems . Alongside that he is conducting his pre-hawza studies and is an instructor at City of Knowledge’s Islamic Academy under the guidance of Shaykh Mahdi Rastani. He has a passion for learning about the religion and is active within the Shia Community of North America and the greater world through his social media presence.

What Are You Fundraising For?

Zunair Waseem is currently raising funds for the orphans and widows of Iraq.


After recently being on sight at the foundation’s office in Najaf and participating in the work first hand he was moved by the work that was being conducted and fell in love with the mission and message of The Zahra Trust.

Support Zunair

The Zahra Trust USA is project of the Zahra Foundation LTD. The Zahra Foundation LTD is as an exempt organization as described in Section 501(C)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code