December Updates
On November 23rd, Zahra Trust volunteers visited one of our registered families. We learned that they are in need of help to have their home reconstructed. Below are photos of the building site, and there will be more to follow as the project progresses.

Clothing for Orphans
In continuing our mission to help the needy, Zahra Trust volunteers helped orphans choose out some new clothes. With your generous donations, we were able to provide new clothing for several orphans. Below are some photos of the event! May Allah reward you all!
Winter Relief
Bamyan is located in the most mountainous part of Afghanistan, next to the Baba mountain glaciers, at an altitude of 2550 meters above sea level. The population of this province is about one million people. This cold province experiences harsh winters for about five months. Poverty, unemployment, food shortages and lack of winter fuel have turned people’s lives into horrible nightmares. The Zahra Trust has provided heaters, coal, and wood for 200 families.
We hope to continue helping families heat their homes in the winter with the help of your donations!
Eye Clinic in Yemen
As the year comes to a close, we urge all of our donors to continue contributing to our many projects. Below is a video of a free cataract eye surgery event being held by the Zahra Trust in Yemen. Conditions in Yemen have been unstable, and we are very grateful to have been able to help these needy people. Hundreds of needy people were helped by the event, as they were able to get their medical needs taken care of, thanks to you, our donors!
Aid for families in need
The Zahra Trust paid a visit to a newly registered family with a little boy and a young girl. Their adoptive mother was in need of heat, and medical dues for the little girl. Alhumdulillah, with the your help, the family has received the help they need, and a heater will be installed in their home within the next few days. Watch the video below to learn more about our new family!